| Virginia-Carolina Forest Products, Inc. is a family owned and operated lumber company located in Lawrenceville, Virginia. Owen M. Strickler, III, President, began operation with the purchase of the sawmill from Ezell Lumber Company in 1991. With over 35 years experience in the forest products industry, Strickler has established a tradition of producing the highest quality hardwood and pine lumber. | Commitment to Quality & Customers | Maintaining consistency in the manufacturing process accompanied by a strong commitment to the plant’s modernization has allowed Virginia-Carolina to produce a superior product. As a result, lumber production has increased from 7million board feet in 1991 to approximately 10 million board feet of hardwood kiln dried and 12 million board feet of surfaced yellow pine today.
We would like to acknowledge our customers, who without those valued relationships, we would not be successful. Virginia-Carolina has been able to adapt to the changing lumber market and create a diversified product line to meet our customers’ needs. |
| | Export | Export shipments have become an integral part of our business. With over 10 years experience and our proximity to the port, we are able to expertly accommodate orders for lumber and veneer quality logs.
Employees | The Virginia-Carolina organization currently employs a dedicated workforce of 95 people within its five affiliated companies: Virginia-Carolina Forest Products, Inc., Virginia-Carolina Timber, Inc., VaCar Properties, Inc., Virginia-Carolina Harvesting, Inc., and Virginia Land Company, Inc.
All are located at 15158 Western Mill Road in Lawrenceville, Virginia, which is approximately 25 miles from both interstates 85 and 95 and 100 miles from the port of Norfolk. 
Click map to view larger view and directions. |
We welcome you to view our website and contact us with any inquires. | |
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